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What Are the Current Varicose Treatments?

What Are the Current Varicose Vein Treatments?

In this article, the current varicose vein treatment techniques will be discussed.

Varicose veins are removed from the body by surgical techniques before. There are various surgeries developed for this purpose. Nowadays, with the development of non-surgical techniques, the surgical procedures has decreased considerably. However, there are still surgeons performing surgical techniques.
The treatment methods are described as two groups as surgical and non-surgical treatments.

Varicose Vein Treatment

Surgical treatments are now outdated. However, stripping is still being performed by some surgeons.
In stripping method, the problematic vessel is detected by doppler ultrasound. The vessels are ligated  through an incision on ankle or knee. Then the wire is sent through the vein and the problematic vessel is removed from the body by making a 1-2 cm incision.


Microphlebectomy is performed under local anesthesia. Through small incisions of the legs the varicose veins are drilled out of the skin with a crochet-like tool the they are removed from this incision outside of the body.
Thanks to the small incisions, no sutures are needed after treatment. Bandage is applied. By performing this technique varicose veins are treated permanently.
This technique is used only for varices over 2 or 3 cm. It can be applied combined with non-surgical techniques for smaller varices.

Non-surgical Varicose Vein Treatments

Thanks to the developing medicine and technology, it is possible to treat the varicose veins without any surgical incision. As non-surgical treatments laser, bonding, radio frequency, sclerotherapy and foam treatments are commonly performed.

Varicose Vein Treatment with Laser

Laser treatment is the first developed non-surgical treatment. Laser treatment is applied in 2 different ways, intravenous and from the skin surface.

Varicose Vein Treatment with Laser (Through Skin Surface)

It is effective just for the treatment of capillaries. There are many different devices on the market as laser devices. Exotherme laser is used in our clinics. It has more advantages than other devices. Moreover, even the smallest capillaries can be treated easily, thanks to the zoom feature. In addition, thanks to the cooling effect of of the device capillaries can be treated without pain.
Laser treatment is preferred especially for capillary treatment of the face area.

EVLA (EndoVenosis Laser Ablation) Intravenous Laser Treatment

Intravenous EVLA (EndoVenosis Laser Ablation) is performed for the treatment of reticular (middle) and varicose veins (thick varices).
This treatment is performed under ultrasound guidance. Therefore, a hospital environment is needed for its implementation. The vessels with this disease are detected by ultrasound. Then a small incision is made and the end of the laser called catheter is sent into the vessel. Laser beam is applied to the vessel with the catheter which is sent before. Using this treatment method, the vessel is destroyed and closed.

Varicose Vein Treatment by Radio Frequency

Performing purpose is the same. However, it is a more advanced form of laser technique. Just like the laser technique, it is through an incision and intravenously.
The radio frequency device converts radio waves into heat energy. So the heated device touches the damaged vessel and closes it. The device has a very thin tip. During the treatment, this tip is touched to the capillary varices at 1 cm intervals. This will permanently destroy the capillaries.
Intravenous radio-frequency treatment, like laser, is applied by the guidance of ultrasound. However, the effected area of ​​this operation is wider than the laser. The laser affects an area of ​​1 cm at a time, with a radiofrequency effect at a time of 7 cm wide vein.

Bonding Method (Gum)

Nowadays this method has a rapidly increasing performing count. Drug injection into the vein is based on the idea of gluing instead of heat destruction of the vein.
Problematic vessel is detected. Then a very small needle is inserted into the vein and the adhesive drug is injected. This treatment method is easier to perform and has less side effects than EVLA and EVRF.

Sclerotherapy Treatment

Sclerotherapy is the closure of the vessel by injecting the drug into the problemetic vessel. It is as easy as having an injection or a vaccination. Thanks to the drug injected into the vein, the vessel closes and the problems caused by vessel dilation is gone.
The treatment method that performed to capillaries is called micro sclerotherapy. With this treatment technique, all varicose veins, including capillaries, can be permanently treated.

You may watch the video of the treatment from the shared video below.

Foam Treatment

The same active drug is used in sclerotherapy for foam treatment too. However, in order to effect more area in large varices, the active drug is used after it is reacted with air and formed into foam form. By this treatment method, more areas can be effected with less drug.

Advantages of Non-Surgical Treatments

Patient comfort is high due to minimal invasiv incisions.

No incision, no scar tissue. So aesthetically unwanted situations do not occur.

The healing process is short. Even after a few minutes of rest, the patient may return to normal life.

There is no need for hospitalization. So the non-surgical treatments has more affordable costs.

No special care is required after treatment.

Side effects such as anesthesia etc. are not needed.

Patients with fear of surgery can be treated easily.

It can be performed on all vessels, from large varicose veins to capillaries.

Non-Surgical Treatment of Varicose Veins in Turkey

Idea Clinic, which has 6 branches, offers non-surgical varicose treatments in Antalya, Ankara, Izmir, Bursa and Istanbul (Kadikoy, Bakirkoy, Sisli). You may come to your nearest branch and have a free examination and have a doppler ultrasound check. If you wish, you can be treated with the most appropriate treatment technique for your varicose veins. The procedure can be done at the same day after the examination. You can contact us on 0542 621 08 88 for a free examination and to make an appointment.

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